Commercial Residential Aluminum Project Photography

Venice, FL

One of Imagica’s ongoing clients is Commercial Residential Aluminum, a building company specializing in all types of Aluminum construction for both commercial and residential clients along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Project photography is always a priority but with scheduling conflicts often difficult to coordinate.

Periodically we feature commercial and residential projects in our marketing efforts that include, website updates, social media, marketing, collateral, advertising and presentations. It is a big plus to the able to capture the same images the you will be using for your marketing efforts.

We never get more than we need and CRA is never billed more than an hour to capture the image, even if travel is involved as we work it in to other project commitments in the area. Here are a few examples of some of the individual projects we were able to capture for CRA.

If you would like to see some of the other project photography as well some of our design and marketing including their website we designed and maintain please visit: