When it comes to digital marketing and in particular your social media presence, quality trumps quantity and makes your brand more personable in the long run.
Truth is, WE ARE DROWNING IN CONTENT and nobody can deny that. Don’t be a me too and toss out dribble just because you feel you have to.
We now live in the age of transparency, and your customers want authenticity and most of all relevance.
Marketing textbooks tell you to aim for your target audience, but quality engagement is more than just generalized statistics and Facebook demographics. Don’t write or shoot for a generalized audience. Be relevant, current and specific. If that means putting yourself out on a limb now and again, it will serve you well.
Here are a few social media tips:
When should I post?
The vast majority of companies post at almost the same time with regularity because presumably that works best for them. The basic rule is post when the vast majority of your audience is paying attention. That might vary from channel to channel. Also, experiment with other times, if nothing else to break up some of your monotony. You just may get unexpected positive results.
How often should I post?
Regular posts do keep you in the line of sight. However, one good quality post can do way more good than five poor quality posts. If you focus on quality that may determine your quality. If you have been grabbing anything to post like poor images or short snippets of text just to post daily or often then you may consider crafting a well written post or a great image once a week and that will be enough.
Avoid living within the channel
I can’t tell you how many business make the mistake of not taking advantage of leading clients to their websites on social as they tend to be content within the platform. Google competes with Facebook, Fwitter and LinkedIn. They could care less how many likes you get when it comes to your SEO or ranking within their search criteria. They do however care how many inbound visits you get and you will reap the rewards.
Be Efficient
Try to craft content that is relevant to all of your channels so one great post can easily be modified for all your channels in stead of tackling each channel like a steerage project.
Don’t get too hung up on the numbers
Avoid being tempted to buy likes or artificially inflate your presence. Don’t base future posts on how many likes or comments they receive. I’ve seen posts that sound like crickets but are getting lots of click throughs to your website or even low click throughs but high conversions.
Good quality can be repurposed
If you are creating really strong content its OK to circle back and use it again, just in a different way. The big boys do this all the time with great success.
Remember focus on quality, with a strong offer, great copy and supporting graphics and you’ll be rewarded. Now you can drop all the stress of having to come up with content that does support the quality of how you envision your brand.
If you want to chat about a social media strategy or any other aspect of your marketing program, contact Perry Johnson at Imagica via our contact page.