Sopris Homes - Boulder, CO Sopris Homes Boulder, CO It’s a challenge. Your builder client is participating in a Parade of Homes event and needs some fresh collateral for those visiting parties who are truly interested in the product. Categorically, most builder...
Employee Management Team Graphic Design Employee Management Team, Sarasota – FL EMT is a Human Resources outsourcing company or PPO, they bring an entire HR department into your company so owners don’t have to hire, train, manage and find a dedicated HR person....
Tennis 1-2-3 Sarasota Tennis Club Tennis Promotion Bath & Racquet is one of the largest and most established tennis clubs in Florida with 29 courts. For years they have been offering a special introductory tennis lesson package. This program is offered to...
Two Girls Food - Logo and brochure design Two Girls Food – Sarasota, FL A small project to get Two Girls off and running. These women were at the forefront of the Raw Food and Cold Pressed Natural Juice craze in Florida before it was cool. We started wit a...
LED Lighting Photography LED Lighting Photography We recently did a quick shoot for a start-up that is making a new type of LED Lighting for Pool Cages. I assume we were originally hired because Imagica has quite a bit of experience shooting and marketing pool cages...
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