Going old school

Going old school

Recently we were asked by a client to resurrect a postcard that I did almost 9 years ago. This struct me as curious but they relayed to me that they found a box of cards and put them out for guests at the front desk and they were gone in less than two days. When was...
Secrets of menu design

Secrets of menu design

A few helpful things to consider from the masters A lot goes into the design of a great restaurant menu.  And a carefully crafted menu in both design and content can greatly aid the serving staff as well as bring in thousands more dollars to the bottom line in a short...
Secrets of Menu Design

Secrets of Menu Design

A lot goes into the design of a great restaurant menu. And a carefully crafted menu in both design and content can greatly aid the serving staff as well as bring in thousands more dollars to the bottom line in a short period of time. No other design project is harder...