WordPress for your website

WordPress for your website

I’ve been building websites for almost 30 years dating back to the days where you coded them by hand using a simple TEXT EDITOR. This was the early days of HTML and there were not many short cuts. Now you have lots and lots of options for your new or upgraded website...
Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meetings

An easy alternative to a traditional meeting for work or groups If you haven’t heard of Zoom before the pandemic I’ll bet you have now. I’ve been using the platform off and on for a few years then all of a sudden everybody was asking me to FaceTime in lieu of meetings...
Even Giants Fail

Even Giants Fail

About seven years ago, Google launched its own social networking site named Google+. Recently, Google announced it will be closing down the consumer version of Google+ in the coming months as it disclosed a privacy bug. I was reminded of the depreciation of Google...
10 Tips for your new business website

10 Tips for your new business website

Useful Tips for your business website 1. Make sure your design is responsive, meaning it renders on all devices including desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones. 2. Use copy sparingly like you were paying somebody by the word. It’s much more difficult to...