You May Need a SWOT Analysis

You May Need a SWOT Analysis

What Is a SWOT analysis and why do I need one? “SWOT” is an old school acronym for a process that involves taking a close objective look at your business or brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You’re probably already know most of them, but...
The Value of Referrals

The Value of Referrals

If you don’t have a referral marketing strategy in place, you’re giving up a substantial amount of revenue and probably spending much more on your marketing than necessary. Referrals from happy customers or clients represent your best opportunity to grow, but they are...
Questions to help you conduct a SWOT analysis

Questions to help you conduct a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a fundamental tool for your business to more accurately target your marketing efforts for the greatest return. To help you in the process, here are some good questions to help get you started in the process. Questions that can help you conduct a...
Do I need a blog for my website?

Do I need a blog for my website?

The short answer to this is a big, fat “ABSOLUTELY! In fact, if you are on a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress and not actively using a blog to grow your business you are greatly underutilizing your platform. Here are 5 big reasons to have a blog for your...
Open for Business

Open for Business

With restrictions loosening in Florida and many other states around the US it’s time to get back to work. No doubt business will face enormous hurdles getting themselves back on line if they were forced to close or even if they remained open. Depending on your...