Open for Business

Open for Business

With restrictions loosening in Florida and many other states around the US it’s time to get back to work. No doubt business will face enormous hurdles getting themselves back on line if they were forced to close or even if they remained open. Depending on your...
Is Social Media Right For Your Business?

Is Social Media Right For Your Business?

Is Social Media Right For Your Business? I’m circling back to this topic because it comes up almost each and every day with one client or another or in conversation with a business owner. Truth is, if you have a website for your business and are not REALLY paying...
Go Old School

Go Old School

Recently I received a post card that served as a great reminder on several fronts. One, print is not all but dead. Two, powerful marketing doesn’t have to be overly complicated and expensive. And three, going old school is OK. When was the last time you received an...
The Power of Surprise

The Power of Surprise

Its always difficult to stand-out in a crowded market no matter what product or service you offer. When what you offer is also available from thousands of other vendors at the same or lower prices, how do you differentiate yourself from others? Savvy companies...