WordPress is good for business

WordPress is good for business

If you are considering upgrading your website or building a new website consider WordPress if you haven’t already.  Once the choice of individuals who wanted an easy and attractive platform to self-publish, WordPress has evolved into a platform of choice for many...
What is your coronavirus game plan?

What is your coronavirus game plan?

Having a solid and nimble strategy to deal with the coronavirus will help you get through these tough times Initially nobody had a game plan in dealing with the coronavirus and now seemingly everybody does. Honestly, I didn’t think I was on so many email lists or so...
Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask and You Shall Receive

I’m shocked at how many small businesses dump big bucks into new marketing initiatives targeting new customers without first verifying and leveraging the satisfaction of their current customers. Truth is, if you take REALLY good care of your current clients they...
Private and group photography instruction

Private and group photography instruction

Many people don’t realize that Imagica has been teaching photography to both individuals and groups for almost 20 years! Photography and how it is used for both personal and business applications has changed greatly over that time and we are happy to share that...
Your image your brand

Your image your brand

At this point in the digital age, I don’t need to tell you that images are important to your brand. For years, you’ve been diligently putting pictures on your blog posts, on social media, and in your email newsletters. You’ve seen for yourself the increasing...