Fast Track Into The Digital Age

Fast Track Into The Digital Age

Bet many of you are finding your online presence woefully inadequate. The coronavirus is forcing the issue and is pushing traditional businesses into the digital age faster than most would like. If you are one of the old school businesses that hesitated to embrace...
Private and group photography instruction

Private and group photography instruction

Many people don’t realize that Imagica has been teaching photography to both individuals and groups for almost 20 years! Photography and how it is used for both personal and business applications has changed greatly over that time and we are happy to share that...
Your image your brand

Your image your brand

At this point in the digital age, I don’t need to tell you that images are important to your brand. For years, you’ve been diligently putting pictures on your blog posts, on social media, and in your email newsletters. You’ve seen for yourself the increasing...
Even Giants Fail

Even Giants Fail

About seven years ago, Google launched its own social networking site named Google+. Recently, Google announced it will be closing down the consumer version of Google+ in the coming months as it disclosed a privacy bug. I was reminded of the depreciation of Google...
iPhone Food Photography

iPhone Food Photography

As a commercial photographer with a specialty in Food Photography I get asked often how to take better food images all the time. I realize that for most restaurants it’s not sustainable to bring in a photographer every time you have a new menu item or run...