Open for Business

Open for Business

With restrictions loosening in Florida and many other states around the US it’s time to get back to work. No doubt business will face enormous hurdles getting themselves back on line if they were forced to close or even if they remained open. Depending on your...
How Good is Good Enough?

How Good is Good Enough?

A question I’m often asked by both photography students and business associates is “Why should I buy a camera when my phone takes really good pictures?” or “Why should we hire a “Pro” when our staff can take good pictures with their phones?” Nobody can really answer...
Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo

We could all use a good Margarita right now! I love everything about Mexico – the people, the culture, the work ethic, the language, the food and for sure a good Margarita. If ever the world needed a good margarita, it is Cinco de Mayo 2020. So breaking...
The New Normal

The New Normal

The business landscape has changed dramatically, tomorrow’s environment will be different, but no less rich in possibilities for those who are prepared. For many, near-term survival is the only agenda item. Others are peeking through the fog of uncertainty, thinking...
Zoom Meetings

Zoom Meetings

An easy alternative to a traditional meeting for work or groups If you haven’t heard of Zoom before the pandemic I’ll bet you have now. I’ve been using the platform off and on for a few years then all of a sudden everybody was asking me to FaceTime in lieu of meetings...